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Under The Ashes


Company: WEA/Trafalgar (Australia)
Cat No: (loc-999)  /  Format: box set  /  Released: Dec 1988  /  Status: Deleted


A high quality box set of vinyl discs, constituting reissues of all previous material up to that date, and some extras. The discs were later issued individually, and the reader may refer to notes about them separately herein.

Now a rare collector's item, the box set was compiled when it was assumed by everyone involved that the band was well and truly dead and that an historical release would be appropriate. Deniz's letter, written during his military aviation phase, reads like an epitaph. They were all wrong, but at least interested listeners who like the sound of vinyl were given a unique opportunity to augment their record collections with this great package.







Radios Appear

Radios Appear (overseas version)

Living Eyes

The First and the Last - New Race

Burn My Eye - 12" ep

More Fun! - 12" ep

Aloha Steve & Danno / Anglo Girl - 7" single



Letter from Deniz

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